MY Wife Wants Me to Pay For Sex

She said I have to pay her for the “stress.”

3 min readOct 5, 2024
Photo by Karolina Kaboompics in Pexels

I have a serious challenge and need help. My wife of just 4 years says she can only allow sex twice a month, but if I want more, I have to pay her for the “stress.” She’s very loving and caring, but this isn’t what I expected.

I’ve tried talking to her, but it hasn’t worked. She also told me that if I love her, I should adjust to her schedule. I can’t. I love sex and can’t settle for twice a month. And what does she mean by paying her for the stress?

I want to divorce her, even though it’s hard because I love her so much. I told her this could lead to me cheating, and she said if she finds out, she’ll leave the marriage. She’s been telling me that sex isn’t love.

I can’t live like this. I’m thinking about divorcing her, but if I do, I’ll legally lose everything and also lose the person I love.

What is my wife up to?

Hello writer, sorry for being made to go through this. You’re a good person and you seriously deserve better. Yes, you’re in a tight spot. Straight up, your wife is playing games with this “pay for sex” storyline. Marriage ain’t a business deal where you have to pay up to get what should be part of the relationship. If she’s putting a price on sex, then something’s way off.




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