My Husband Was Broke, So I Went to Meet a Rich Friend In a Hotel Room

Only to get the shock of my life

3 min readJun 15, 2024
Photo by Anna Tarazevich in Pexels

I’m going to go straight at it. I trust my husband so much. Our rent expired, and at the same time, he was sacked from his company. We have three kids to pay fees for. Everything went so badly since we had no savings or anyone to run to. We tried applying for loans but couldn’t get them because of his joblessness.

I was so desperate. I ran to my college friend for help; she reminded me of a guy who used to love me back then. He is very rich. So I ran to him via phone call. He was asking me to sleep with him before helping. I begged him, and he said I should come meet him at a hotel so we could talk.

On getting there, I saw my husband’s name on the receptionist’s stand. I was shocked. So while making inquiries, I realised that he moved in with some other woman. On leaving the house, he told me he was trying to get money from a client. I was broken; hence, I couldn’t meet the guy I wanted to.

In my mind, I wouldn’t have slept with this guy. I wanted to meet him to ask for help. He is a good person, and I know he wouldn’t force me. But seeing my husband with another woman broke me.

Going forward and coming home, he told me that he got the money from his friend. I asked what…




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