My Husband Doesn’t Satisfy Me In Bed, Yet He Still Cheats

He is a good father and a provider, but he doesn’t meet my physical needs

5 min read1 day ago
Photo by Pixabay in Pexels

I am in a long-term committed relationship with my common-law partner (we normally just call each other husband or wife).

We own a home together, we have two children together, and one is on the way (unplanned). I also have two children from before meeting him. He does a good job as a stepparent. We have ups and downs, just like any couple. My outlook on cheating has always been that I would prefer a monogamous relationship, but if you are going to run around, at least be honest and open about it. I’d rather my partner be up front and I have the information I need to make an informed decision, such as around sex, etc., than somebody be going behind my back. Secondly, I’m a very sexual person; I’m affectionate and have a high sexual drive. He seems to have a lower sexual drive.

However, he has cheated in the past and disrespected my boundaries by being up front about it. The first time he was carrying on an ongoing relationship with a woman, there were lots of nuances to that time. But that’s the jist of it. The relationship went on for at least a year before I found out.

I also found out he was messaging other women at that time but couldn’t prove…




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