My Girlfriend Wants Sex Now! But I Want To Wait Till We Are Married

I’ve tried to be patient and understanding

4 min readJun 19, 2024
Photo by Ron Lach in Pexels

I’ve been in a committed relationship with my girlfriend for over two and a half years now. She’s an incredible person, and our connection has grown stronger over time. We share many interests, values, and aspirations for the future.

However, there’s a huge difference between us that’s been weighing on my mind: she wants to have sex before marriage. She values intimacy and believes that sex is an important part of a romantic relationship, even before marriage. I respect her beliefs and understand where she’s coming from, but it’s been a challenging aspect of our relationship for me. I have different views on sex and feel that it’s something sacred that should be reserved for marriage.

Over the past two years and six months, we’ve had numerous discussions about this topic. She’s expressed that her decision is rooted in personal values, cultural beliefs, and her understanding of what makes a relationship strong and meaningful. I admire her conviction and the thoughtfulness she’s put into her decision.

Despite my respect for her beliefs, I find myself struggling with the situation. Waiting until marriage for sex is important to me, and I sometimes feel frustrated and disconnected because…




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