My Estranged Father Got Me Pregnant

I saw an old photo of mum in his family locker

3 min readAug 9, 2024
Photo by João Paulo de Souza Oliveira in Pexels

My mum has done the unthinkable, and with what I am going through at the moment, I have no idea how I can come back into my senses. My issue is that I am currently pregnant for my biological father because I never set my eyes on him before.

What happened was that mum said after she gave birth to me, she never set eyes on him again because they were not married. She said she would never forgive him for leaving her while she was pregnant.

Years down the lane, I met this man who is quite older than me, and we fell in love. Just after 4 months of dating and coming down to meet his people, I saw an old photo of mum in his family locker.

It was then that it was discovered he is my biological father. I don’t know what to do now. Mum had been disturbed to let her see the father of my child.

Please help.

Hello, Writer. The situation you’re in is incredibly complex and emotionally overwhelming, and I’m really sorry about that. First, take a moment to breathe. This is surely a traumatic revelation, and it’s natural to feel lost. You need to confront this situation head-on, however painful it may be.




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