Life With My Alcoholic Boyfriend

He is a drunkard with a heart of gold

6 min readJun 28, 2024
Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

Hello. I’m seeking advice. Can you please keep this anonymous?

I (43 F) have been dating someone (41 M) for the last 3 years. Everything started out wonderful, but looking back, I think I ignored red flags along the way.

He told me that he loved me after only a few weeks of dating. He was very affectionate from the beginning. Hours and hours spent on the phone. Lots of time is spent with one another. But then, after only a couple of months, things began to change.

I believe he is a functioning alcoholic, but I did not see the signs at first. He works very hard, has been gainfully employed, and makes very good money. He has excellent credit, no debt, no children of his own, keeps an immaculate home, and just seemed to really have his life together. But then I noticed how much he was drinking. At first, I did not realize how bad his drinking was. He would hide his drinking from me or lie to me about how many drinks he’d had. But I later learned that he was stopping at the bar almost every night after work, then would stop at the gas station and buy more beers to drink when he got home, and then smoke weed on top of it, which really only worsened his behavior when he mixed weed and alcohol. He is never rowdy when drunk, but his personality completely…




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